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In recent years, sand casting has been widely used in the foundry industry

2020/6/1 15:07:31526

Sand casting is one of the most widely used traditional casting processes. Sand casting is roughly divided into clay sand casting, red sand casting, and film sand casting. . Because the molding materials used in sand casting are cheap and easy to obtain, and can be used repeatedly, the processing is simple, and the sand mold manufacturing is simple and efficient, and can be adapted to both batch production and mass production of castings. For a long time, it has been casting steel, Basic traditional processes in iron, aluminum production.

According to the survey, currently in the international foundry industry, 65-75% of the castings are produced by sand casting, and among them, the production of clay casting accounts for about 70%. The main reason is that compared with other casting methods, sand casting has lower cost, simpler production process, shorter production cycle, and more technicians engaged in sand casting. Therefore, auto parts, mechanical parts, hardware parts, railway parts, etc. are mostly produced by clay sand wet casting process. When the wet type cannot meet the requirements, consider using clay sand dry sand type or other types of sand type. The casting weight of clay wet sand casting can range from a few kilograms to dozens of kilograms, and some small and medium-sized castings are cast, while the castings produced by clay dry sand casting can weigh dozens of tons. All kinds of sand casting have unique advantages, so sand casting Casting is the modeling process of most foundry companies. In recent years, some sand casting manufacturers in my country have combined automatic sand processing, sand casting molding equipment, and automatic casting equipment to achieve high-efficiency, low-cost, and large-scale standardized production casting of various castings. international standardization.