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My country's foundry is also an effective way to achieve environmental protection of foundry

2020/6/1 15:05:09460

With the increasing pressure on resources and environment in our country, government departments have proposed "to achieve sustainable development, build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society" and "to ensure that the energy consumption determined in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan is reduced by 20%, 10% reduction in total emissions of major pollutants. In my country, casting occupies a very important position in the machinery manufacturing industry. The output of castings has been ranked first in the world for 6 consecutive years. There are more than 27,000 foundry enterprises. Among them, except for a few large enterprises with advanced casting technology, sophisticated production equipment and basic environmental protection measures In place, most foundry enterprises still have backward manufacturing technology, outdated production equipment, and environmental protection issues have not been mentioned on the work agenda.

my country's foundry industry is facing serious problems in environmental protection. According to reports, 80% to 95% of foundries in my country mainly use manual modeling, and less than 5% of the total number of cupolas are equipped with effective environmental protection facilities. The factory site environment is harsh, labor conditions are poor, manufacturing technology is backward, and extensive production Foundry enterprises account for more than 80%. From the perspective of the foundry industry structure, there are not only foundry branches or workshops subordinate to the main engine production plant, but also professional foundries, as well as a large number of township foundries. In terms of production level and scale, there are not only large foundries with high degree of mechanization, advanced technology and an annual output of tens of thousands of tons of castings, but also small foundries with simple equipment, manual operation and backward technology, with an annual output of more than 100 tons of castings. In recent years, due to the influence of energy, environmental factors and labor prices, the output of castings in developed western industrial countries has decreased, and they have gradually turned to developing countries to purchase general castings, but at the same time they have exported high-tech, high-value-added castings to developing countries. Quality castings. At present, the acceleration of the globalization of the world economy provides both opportunities and challenges for the development of my country's foundry industry. The demand for my country's castings in the international and domestic markets has shown a trend of continuous growth.

Foundry Equipment, Foundry Sand Processing Modeling

Combined with the current level of casting technology and the main problems in our country, the effective ways to realize "green environmental protection casting" are initially discussed from the following aspects:

1. Compile the green manufacturing standards of the foundry industry. The foundry industry product design theory and method, material application technology, manufacturing process and equipment technology, testing technology, automation technology and other basic technologies are the interrelated and mutual influences on which the foundry industry depends on its survival and development. , an integral part of the basic technology. : ① Carry out green casting and casting process design, ensure the "innate green quality" of casting products and casting production process, and ensure the optimization of environmental attributes in the whole life cycle of castings at the source; ② Consider direct consumption of energy, resources and discharge of pollutants, waste It adopts green casting technology and process equipment technology to convert raw and auxiliary materials (input) into castings (useful output), so as to realize the production of "green environmental protection casting" in the true sense; Auxiliary materials and their application technologies replace traditional raw and auxiliary materials and their application technologies; ④ Adopt advanced, fast and accurate detection and control technologies to optimize the casting production process, eliminate or reduce casting waste, improve the casting yield, and reduce the risk of untimely or inaccurate detection. The energy consumption and pollution caused by it, and realize the "green environmental protection casting"; In addition to putting forward technical requirements for the above-mentioned aspects, it should also be combined with the national conditions of my country's foundry, so that enterprises can adopt the best treatment plan (low cost and high efficiency) to achieve the final sewage discharge can meet the requirements of national environmental protection standards.

2. Start from the casting process, modeling materials and casting equipment, etc.

The environmental protection status of my country's foundry industry is worrying. We can promote the environmental protection of the foundry industry from various aspects such as foundry technology, molding materials and foundry equipment: ①Foundry technology and molding materials: Sand casting is the main method of foundry technology, accounting for 80% of the entire casting production. %~90%. In foundry production, dust pollution, air pollution and solid pollution caused by sand casting molding materials are the most serious. Therefore, in order to realize the green and clean production of sand casting, green inorganic binders should be used as much as possible, and the amount of binders added should be reduced as much as possible (preferably without binders), which is of great benefit to solving the problem of recycling old sand. The pressure on the environment will also be greatly reduced. Among the various methods of sand casting currently involved, the lost foam casting and V method casting using dry sand without binder, and the water glass sand casting with binder are the most likely to achieve "green environmental protection casting" production process methods . Binderless lost foam casting is known as "new technology of casting in the 21st century", "green engineering in casting", etc.; ②Foundry equipment: At present, most of my country's iron castings are smelted in cupola furnaces, and clean and long-life refractory materials are used. , high-efficiency hot air continuous cupola, closed transportation of molten iron, pouring and mold processing technology, which can reduce metal oxidation and slag generation; adopt the pre-purification treatment technology of charge recommended by the International Foundry Environmental Control Committee, which can reduce the smelting process. The amount of dust emitted; the water-cooled granulation slag technology can be used to make the slag a high-efficiency building material; the exhaust gas of the cupola is comprehensively utilized. In addition, in foundry production, process equipment such as dust and noise, such as transportation, screening, cleaning, and falling sand, can be improved from the product structure so that no or less dust is raised.

3. How to protect the ecological environment and save resources to the greatest extent by developing new technologies for waste gas resource treatment has become the urgent goal of foundry workers in various countries. For this reason, Chinese foundry enterprises should simultaneously To coordinate the comprehensive reuse of waste, we can start from the following aspects: ① When designing the renovation plan, first consider increasing the investment in environmental protection, and it is recommended that the investment in environmental protection should account for more than 15% of the total investment; ② Use mechanization, Automatic and closed advanced foundry equipment to achieve the goal of environmental protection; ③ Use clean production technology to improve the operating environment; ④ Refer to foreign foundry waste disposal methods to develop new technologies for recycling foundry waste; Economic reduction principle, reuse principle, recycling principle.

"Green and environmentally friendly casting" is an embodiment of the social sustainable development strategy in the manufacturing industry. It responds to the production capacity, technical level, product quality level, energy consumption and raw materials, casting technical talents, quality management level and waste sand discharge of my country's foundry industry. , waste gas, dust, waste slag, noise, etc., learn from the results of foreign theoretical research and practice, according to the current situation of environmental protection in my country's foundry industry, the basic characteristics of the casting technology level, the existing problems and the basic requirements of environmental protection design, establish the different casting production process. The basic standard of environmental protection design in the production process, as the goal of the new construction, reconstruction, expansion and technological transformation projects of my country's foundry enterprises, regulate the corporate behavior of casting production, vigorously grasp environmental protection and realize "green environmental protection casting", and improve my country's foundry industry. to meet the needs of the rapid development of the national economy.