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A solemn statement on supporting the provisions of the new advertising law

2020/6/1 15:11:51528

The new advertising law on September 1, 2019 stipulates that absolute terms and functional terms are not allowed on all pages. We support the new advertising law, and the obvious areas of the company's website have been checked and revised.

Here is a solemn statement: the absolute terms and functional terms on all pages of the company are all invalid, and will not be used as any reason for compensation. We will gradually investigate and improve the revision of the inconspicuous areas, and will fully revise the page.

The company does not accept and will not compromise on any form of online fraud in the name of anti-counterfeiting, please make way for real consumers! Rights protection is a two-way process, I hope consumers understand.

If the company has the highest advertising words, limit words, etc., it means that the comparison is within the scope of the company, and the indirect performance comparison of the products is only the comparison between the products currently sold by the company and the products sold in the past, and does not involve other operators, such as "the most suitable "Indicates the most suitable for the company, if you have any questions, please contact our customer service!